Jewelry casters are always on the lookout for metals and alloys that offer good castability, beauty, and economical prices to create sculptures, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and other fine jewelry. One jewelry that has a goldfish color is Everdur Silicon Bronze. This alloy provides a wide range of benefits for castings. What is Everdur Silicon…

Jewelry Casting: Advantages of Tin Alloys vs Zinc Alloys
For jewelry casting, manufacturers have a wide range of base metals and alloys to select from for their pieces. Most common metals that consumers are familiar with are gold, silver, platinum, and sterling silver. Yet there are many other types of alloys that may be used, including tin and zinc. When determining which alloy to…

Can Using Nickel Alloys for Jewelry Cause Problems?
When Baron Cronstedt originally extracted nickel in 1751, he intended to produce copper. That’s why he called this newly discovered metal kupfernickel, a German word that roughly translates in English to “devil’s copper.” Even though nickel’s a very useful and popular metal, the name might almost appear ironic to some people in modern times. Though…

Benefits of Adding Silicon to Brass & Bronze Alloys for Certain
When certain materials are added to copper it changes the physical and mechanical composition of the metal. Two such materials are tin and zinc. Copper that has tin added into it is considered bronze. Bronze alloys provide a very hard metal that can sometimes be brittle and inflexible. When zinc is added to copper, it…

Bell Metals: Properties and Uses in the Musical Industry
When out for a walk by a church or watching a marching band in a parade, you may have listened to the deep ringing tones of a bell or strikes against a cymbal. Such melodious vibrating sounds are created due to the specific type of metal that is used. Bell metals have been around for…

Art Casting: White Bronze vs. White Brass
Brass and bronze has long been used in the art casting and jewelry manufacturing industries. Brass alloys have excellent fluidity and malleability, while bronze alloys are very hard and brittle with low melting points. While we often think of these alloys as having colors ranging from brown to gold or red, there are also white…

Shot and Cubed Alloys: Advantages of Using Different Shaped Metals
Due to advanced manufacturing processes, companies today can use a range of base metals and alloys to create the right products and components to their industries. When obtaining the metals that will be used in casting, extruding and forming processes, manufacturers can request the alloys and base metals in various sizes and shapes. Ingots, cubes,…

The Use of White Bronze VS Pewter for Art Casting Applications
When it comes to casting applications, do you know which is better, white bronze or pewter? The most popular choice today and in the past has been pewter, but the use of white bronze has increased in recent years. Here at Belmont Metals, we have both white bronze and pewter that’s perfect for all your…

The Difference Silicon Bronze and Silicon Brass for Art Casting Applications
Craftspeople have been casting with bronze for so long that the BBC called it the “first alloy.” Introduced around 3,500 BC and typically made with mostly copper and tin, items made with bronze offered a more durable alternative to coper alone. Artifacts from brass have been dated to 500 BC. Brass may have been favored…

Brass and Bronze: Popular Use in Home Hardware Applications
Craftsman of home cabinetry, doors, windows and other features require hardware finishings to add functionality and beauty to the room. Home hardware consists of a wide range of applications, including door knockers, knobs, handles, hinges, cabinet pulls, and even air register covers. These items are typically made of a solid metal such as brass and…

Gold Karat Alloying: Adding Master Alloys and Virgin Additives to Enhance Characteristics
The beauty and rarity of gold is well-known. It’s treasured by jewelers due to its brilliant color and historians who are in search of antique coins. For everyday applications, gold is found throughout our lives in smart phones, laptops and other electronics as this metal is crafted into gold-plated circuit boards. Applications will use gold…

The Versatility of Pewter: Alloy Types for Decorative Applications
When it comes to decorative alloys, pewter has made a comeback in recent years in the jewelry and crafting industries. This versatile alloy can be found throughout the jewelry world as plated rings, necklaces and bracelets. It is also fashioned into medals, pendants, figurines, statues, and replica coins. Many people may not actually know that…

Art Casting with Bronze and Brass
Creating art using the casting process dates back thousands of years as the oldest surviving piece of cast art dates back to 3200 BC. Yet artists today still enjoy creating a range of decorations, statues, figurines, jewelry and other artistic pieces using this process. The procedure involves using molten metals that are poured into a…

Brass and Bronze for Casting Alloys in Decorative Applications
When talking about brass and bronze, we most often think about these alloys in industrial settings, such as bronze industrial bushings and bearings, or brass valves and plumbing fixtures. Yet walk into a museum and will be surrounded by sculptures made out of bronze, or attend a classical opera and you will see brass instruments….

Choosing an Alloy to Get the Best Application Results
Brass and bronze are used in a range of applications, such as component parts for factories, end products for commercial retailers, and creating jewelry for the public. Brass alloys consist of the base metal of copper with varying amounts of zinc added, while bronze contains copper with aluminum, tin, magnesium and other materials. Yet how…

Nickel in Alloys For Jewelry Makers: Looking for Safer Alternatives
No matter the latest fashion trends hitting the New York and Paris runways, every model will have one thing in common: the jewelry they wear. Jewelry manufacturing is a booming business as adults and children of all ages are looking for the right jewelry to wear for everyday activities, special occasions and to have as…

Safe sparklers
Using lead-free pewter alloys for making jewelry helps alleviate health concerns Adding lead to an alloy can help create characteristics—such as softness and lower melting temperatures—that are useful for many applications. However, lead also is a neurotoxin that is dangerous to animals and humans. Small children are more vulnerable to the effects of lead exposure…

Bring out the best
Master alloys help copper shine Red metals have played an important role in many cultures, including those of the ancient Egyptians and Romans, who crafted tools, cookware, dishes, mirrors and razors out of copper. Modern uses for copper include electrical, heating/cooling applications, fluid handling and plumbing applications, as well as an increasing demand for the…