Aside from the other metals listed throughout the site, Belmont welcomes inquiries regarding the following metals in pure form as well as alloying elements:


Used heavily in the Semi-Conductor Industry, Antimony in metallic form is bright, silvery, hard, and brittle; in non-metallic form, it is a grey powder


A high-melting, lightweight, corrosion-resistant, rigid, steel-gray metallic element used as a copper alloy for springs electrical contacts, and nonsparking tools


It is steely-gray, lustrous, hard and brittle metal which takes a high polish, resists tarnishing, and has a high melting point


This magnetic, silvery white metal with a faint bluish tinge is used in electroplating and for special alloys with particularly specific applications


A soft silvery metal that is used primarily as an agent that make alloys that melt at low tempratures. Gallium is also in electronics for various applications


A soft, silver-white metal that is used in several industrial applications, including heat-resistant glass and ceramics and high strength-to-weight alloys used in aircraft and batteries.


A light, silvery-white, moderately hard metallic element that is used in structural alloys, pyrotechnics, and flash photography.


A gray-white or silvery brittle element it is mainly known for use in alloying with steel, it is also alloyed with other metals to form highly ferromagnetic materials


A soft, grey, ductile metal, it is used in various superconducting materials as well as various applications in welding, electronics, optics, and jewelry.


A grey crystalline solid or brown amorphous powder, Silicon is used in transistors, rectifiers, solar cells, and for many alloys.


A rare, brittle, silvery-white metal, it is used to alloy stainless steel and lead, in ceramics, and in thermoelectric devices.


A strong, low-density, highly corrosion-resistant, lustrous white metallic element that is used to alloy aircraft metals for low weight, strength, and high temperature stability.


A greyish-white metallic element, it is used as a coating in nuclear and chemical plants, asa deoxidizer in steel, and alloyed with niobium in superconductive magnets.

Showing all 24 results

Featured products

    Cadmium Pellets for Vacuum Deposition
    Cadmium Pellets for Vacuum Deposition
    Electroplated cadmium is a robust and versatile metallic coating. Cadmium is a soft white metal that, when plated onto steel, cast iron, malleable iron, copper, and powdered metal, functions as a "sacrificial coating," corroding before the substrate material. The 5-20 Mesh size offers increased surface area for plating.
    • 5-20 Mesh
    Belmont Product Code 3008
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.95% Cd
    99.9% Cobalt
    99.9% Cobalt
    Cobalt is a brittle, hard, transition metal with magnetic properties similar to those of iron. Cobalt is used in the preparation of magnetic, wear-resistant, strength at high temperature, and high-strength alloys.
    • 2" and Down Broken Cathodes
    • 1" x 1" Squares
    Belmont Product Code CO99AAAD
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.9% Co
    • Bal
    High Grade 99.85% Minimum Antimony
    High Grade 99.85% Minimum Antimony
    Antimony in its stable form is a blue-white metallic element, with an atomic mass of 121.76g/mol. It melts at 1167°F (630°C) and makes a rather effective semiconductor. Although it looks metallic, antimony does not have the same chemical responses as a true metal. Antimony is also often added to lead to make the lead stronger. Antimony is used in many different contexts in industry, including some medicines, lead-free solders, bullets, batteries, plumbing, and matches. It has been used in a naturally occurring form for thousands of years, primarily as a medicine, as small amounts can kill certain parasites without compromising the health of the recipient. Antimony in a compound form also has impressive flame-retarding properties, and as a result is used to treat such things as seat covers, toys, and children’s clothing.
    • 8 Mesh and Down
    Belmont Product Code 10000
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.85% Sb
    99% Titanium
    99% Titanium
    Titanium Granules are used most often as an alloying element with many metals including Aluminum, Molybdenum and Iron. It is a very strong, low-density metal that is commonly used to alloy aircraft metals for their low weight, strength and high temperature stability.
    • 1/2" and Down Pcs.
    Belmont Product Code TI99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99 Ti
    • Bal
    99.9% Electrolytic Manganese
    99.9% Electrolytic Manganese
    Manganese Flakes are mainly known for its use in alloying with steel and for making additions to alloys that require Manganese. It can also be alloyed with other metals such as Aluminum, Antimony or Copper to form highly ferromagnetic materials.
    • 2" & Down Flakes
    Belmont Product Code MA99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.9% Mn
    • Bal
    Manganese Powder
    Manganese Powder
    Approximately 90% of Manganese Powder is used in the steel industry as Manganese is made into steel alloys. One of the best known alloys of Manganese Powder is Ferromanganese which includes up to 48% Manganese mixed with Carbon and Iron. It is also used to produce Siliconmanganese as well which is used in springs for structural components.  
    • 40 x 325 Mesh Powder
    Belmont Product Code MA99POWS
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99% Mn
    • Bal
    99.8% Magnesium
    99.8% Magnesium
    A light, silvery-white metal which used very often for additions into various alloys as well as for pyrotechnics and producing structural alloys.
    • 1.3" Dia. X 12" Long Sticks
    • Ingot
    Belmont Product Code MG99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.8% Mg
    • Bal
    98.5% Silicon Lumps
    98.5% Silicon Lumps
    Our Silicon Lumps are crushed down to a more manageable size of 1" & down. It has a blue-grey metallic luster look to it and is used commonly in semiconductor electronics, transistors and integrated circuits. It is also used to produce various alloys with the most common being Ferrosilicon. Silicon lumps are also used quite often in steel refining and in the Aluminum alloy casting industry. Silicon is the single most important additive to Aluminum to improve its casting properties.
    • 1" x 12 Mesh Metal Lumps
    • Powder
    Belmont Product Code SI98AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 98.5% Si
    • Bal
    98.5% Minimum Silicon Metal
    98.5% Minimum Silicon Metal
    Silicon powder is used for a large and growing number of industrial and consumer products, including silicone rubber parts, urethane foam, sealants, adhesives, lubricants, food additives, coatings, polishes and cosmetics.
    • 200 Mesh and Down Powder
    Belmont Product Code SI98POWE
    99% Chromium
    99% Chromium
    Chromium is a steely-gray, lustrous metal which is hard and brittle with a high melting point. Chromium Powder is mainly used in the production of infiltrated and sintered chromium copper switch contacts in both the high and medium voltage range.
    • 2" and Down Lumps
    • 100 Mesh Powder
    Belmont Product Code CH99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99% Cr
    • Bal
    98.7% Calcium
    98.7% Calcium
    The largest use of Calcium in forms such as our broken crowns is for steelmaking as it improves castability, cleanliness and mechanical properties. It is also used to strengthen Aluminum Alloys and in the production of automotive batteries.
    • 5" & Down Mixed Cut Crowns
    Belmont Product Code CA99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 98.7% Ca
    • Bal
    99.5% Minimum Tellurium
    99.5% Minimum Tellurium
    Tellurium Ingots are primarily used in Copper and Steel alloys where it approves machinability. It is used as pigments for ceramics and also in the production of Thermoelectric devices.  
    • Powder
    • Broken Ingot
    Belmont Product Code TE99AAAI
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99.5% Te
    • Bal
    99% Lithium
    99% Lithium
    A soft, silver-white metal that is used in several industrial applications, including heat-resistant glass and ceramics. It is also used to make high strength-to-weight alloys found in aircrafts and batteries.
    • Ingot
    Belmont Product Code LI99AAAA
    Nominal Composition:
    • 99% Li
    • Bal


Beyond base metals

Minor metals are major players in high-tech innovation Typically the word “minor” refers to things of lesser importance, size or degree. Minor metals, however, are far from inferior—they are major players in a wide range of specialty, high-tech industries and used to create alloys with desirable mechanical properties, including deformability and corrosion resistance. Minor metals…

Silicon Powder Applications and Uses

Many manufacturers require pure metals in a range of different shapes to add as additives when making products. These metals provide different properties to the products, such as hardening metals, providing corrosion resistance, or reduces oxidation. Silicon is one metal found in a wide range of industries due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. Pure silicon…

Pricing Trends for Minor Metals: Magnesium, Silicon, and Manganese Raw Materials

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Cobalt Applications: Increasing Demand for This Metal Impacting Availability

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Manganese Availability and Applications: It’s Growing Importance

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Zirconium: An Alloying Element with Copper Alloys

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Commodities Pricing Update: April 2020 Prices for Metals

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Global Manganese Market: How Chinese Tariffs Affect This Commodity

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Oversupply and Slow Demand Creating Fluctuating Cobalt Prices into 2019

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Antimony: Possessing Durability and Versatility When Alloyed with Other Metals

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Benefits of Minor Metals for Your Manufacturing Business

Using minor metals from Belmont Metals in Brooklyn, NY can greatly improve your manufacturing process. These metals are often added to master alloys to improve certain desirable properties. For example, electrolytic manganese is often added to steel, aluminum and copper master alloys in order to increase the metal’s ferromagnetic properties. Types of Minor Metals and…

Beyond base metals

Minor metals are major players in high-tech innovation Typically the word “minor” refers to things of lesser importance, size or degree. Minor metals, however, are far from inferior—they are major players in a wide range of specialty, high-tech industries and used to create alloys with desirable mechanical properties, including deformability and corrosion resistance. Minor metals…

Silicon Powder Applications and Uses

Many manufacturers require pure metals in a range of different shapes to add as additives when making products. These metals provide different properties to the products, such as hardening metals, providing corrosion resistance, or reduces oxidation. Silicon is one metal found in a wide range of industries due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. Pure silicon…