Jewelry casters are always on the lookout for metals and alloys that offer good castability, beauty, and economical prices to create sculptures, rings, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and other fine jewelry. One jewelry that has a goldfish color is Everdur Silicon Bronze. This alloy provides a wide range of benefits for castings. What is Everdur Silicon…
Featuring Everdur Silicon Bronze in a variety of forms for use in both Industrial and Creative applications
With its pleasant color (and ability to accept a range of patinas) combined with good fluidity, low drossing, and a reasonable solidification range, Everdur Silicon Bronze is widely used in both industrial and creative applications. Everdur’s balance of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance has led to its use in valve and pump parts, impellers, bells and a variety of other engineering applications. More recently, Everdur’s excellent casting charecteristics have resulted in it being the preferred Bronze for sculpture casting in its wide acceptance for the jewelry caster as well.
Art and Jewelry Casting, Pumps, Valves, Industrial Casting requiring Corrosion Resistance
Forms Available
20 – 5 lb Ingots, 2” Cut Pieces, ½” Polished Cubes and ½” and down Polished & Unpolished Shot
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Benefits of Adding Silicon to Brass & Bronze Alloys for Certain
When certain materials are added to copper it changes the physical and mechanical composition of the metal. Two such materials are tin and zinc. Copper that has tin added into it is considered bronze. Bronze alloys provide a very hard metal that can sometimes be brittle and inflexible. When zinc is added to copper, it…

Water safety
Lead-free and low-lead alloys keep up with plumbing industry regulations Copper faucets, sinks and appliances have a lustrous color that helps create a warm atmosphere, making a house feel like a home. Copper and its alloys also are functional and durable. They resist corrosion and require little maintenance, which makes red metals an ideal choice…